
View the Project on GitHub SapanaChaudhary/Power-Spectrum-Cartography


With Dr. Radha Krishna Ganti, Dr. Balaraman Ravindran, Dr. Bhaskar Ramamurthi and V. Aravind (SDE, RF Coordination,BSNL, Coimbatore).

In this project, starting from the raw GSM data, I have used an empirical model of the environment to first localize users roughly. Following this, I generate power spectrum maps over the given geographical region. The project is implemented in matlab from scratch.

Description of the GSM data

The data for the purpose of this project is RSL(Radio Signaling Link) data recorded by the Abis Interface. Abis interface is the interface between between BTS and BSC as shown in the diagram below:

The data given by BSNL is from the 3rd layer of Abis Interface Protocol stack. They have provided RSL data. RSL stands for Radio Signalling Link (more).

The hardware used for recording this data is provided by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. We sincerely thank BSNL, Coimbatore, India for providing us with the data.

The GSM protocol lists 43 different types of messages that are exchanged between BSC and BTS at the Abis Interface. These messages are broadly categorized into messages for RLM, CCM & TRXM and DCM.

Our data contains the following message types, in Uplink and Downlink directions:

Abis, BCCH, BS, BTS, Channel, Connection, Data, Deactivate, Direction, Error, Establish, Handover, Immediate, MS, Measurement, RF, Release, SACCH, SMS

Following is an instance of trace file from the data: (Fields followed by the values taken by those fields)

Index  Report  Time  Interface  Type  Message  Type  Direction  Location  Condition  Content

50137  2016-09-30 11:30:11 910  Abis Interface RSL  Abis Cell Pack Page Command     Downlink   Site ID: 12,Cell ID: 5, TRX No.: 0   7F F0 00 01 00 00 01 53 7F F0 00 01 00 00 01 38 00 00 00 18 00 96 FF FF 00 29 00 00 00 00 00 0C AA 18 01 00 0C 05 F4 1A 64 76 85 01

We have data recorded over 16/09/30 2:59:49 PM to 16/09/30 3:20:14 PM.

Data Extraction

The obtained raw data, in the form mentioned above, contains a lot more messages and fields(within those messages) than are useful for the purpose of this project. In this section we extract the useful data. The traces corresponding to message type = ‘Measurement Report’ are extracted and dumped into new set of text files. Each of these text files are then given to the code that outputs csv files consisting of the following fields(column-wise) in the same order:

day, month, year, hour, minutes, seconds, millisecond, site_id, cell_id, trx_values, ul_sender_cpu_id, ul_sender_pid ul_receiver_cpu_id, ul_receiver_pid, ul_length, msg_type, handle, crdlc_ccb, mtls_ccb, auc_reserved, data_length, channel_type, time_slot, rxlev_ncell2, rxlev_full_up, rxqual_full_up, rxqual_sub_up, tlv_type_rx_main_level, tlv_type_rx_sub_level, bs_reserved, bs_power_level, ms_power_level, ms_reserved, actual_timing_adv, timing_reserved enhanced_meas_msg_type, ba_used, dtx_used, rx_lev_full_serving_cell, ba_used_3g, meas_valid, rx_lev_sub_serving_cell spare, rx_qual_full_serving_cell, rx_qual_sub_serving_cell, no_n_cell rxlev_ncell_1, bcch_freq_ncell_1, bsic_ncell_1 rxlev_ncell_2, bcch_freq_ncell_2, bsic_ncell_2, rxlev_ncell_3, bcch_freq_ncell_3, bsic_ncell_3, rxlev_ncell_4 bcch_freq_ncell_4, bsic_ncell_4, rxlev_ncell_5, bcch_freq_ncell_5, bsic_ncell_5, rxlev_ncell_6, bcch_freq_ncell_6, bsic_ncell_6

Sectorized data: The Samathur BS(Base Station) has 3 sectors encompassing 65 degrees each. Figure below depicts the antenna locations for Samathur. Sectors are numbered as 139(Sec-1), 140(Sec-2 and 141(Sec-3).

The mat files sec_139, sec_140 and sec_141 contain the complete sector data with timing information.

The cellular data is now available as a 220327*64 matrix contained in sec_139.mat. 64 is the number of fields(occurring in the same order) as listed above. 220327 is the number of traces, each recorded approximately at an interval of 46.7622 ms. This would mean unique user data comes in approximately at every 11th reading.

Processing data for the localization algorithm

The data obtained from the step above contains neighbour cell bcch information as numbers called ncell number. These numbers need to be mapped to actual bcch values, independently for each sector. Now, for each sector of the BS, we construct a data matrix that contains the information on (bcch,bsic,cell ID, RSSI, lat, long) for each of the 6 neighbouring BSs, timing advance for that trace and power received by the UE(User Equipment) from Samathur BS (all the fields in this same order). We follow the following steps to get to this data, individually for each sector :

  1. Get the actual bcch values This file gets the actual bcch values for each trace(i.e. one row of the data) The following operations are performed to achieve this:
    • Load the conversion table(bcch_ncell_sec_139.mat) that maps BCCH values occuring in the range ’0-10’(or more than 10 depending on the sector) in the traces to actual BCCH values in the range +-66 to +-81
    • Conversion tables for 3 sectors of Samathur are available in ncell_to_bcch
    • Load BCCH and BSIC data for all the 6 neighbours. This data occurs in the columns {49,50},{52,53},{55,56},{57,58},{60,61},{63,64} of the data matrix.
    • Obtain actual BCCH frequencies corresponding to the dummy BCCHs from all the neighbours
    • If dummy BCCH cannot be mapped according to T1, assign it an invalid token = 1111
  2. Create mapping of possible BCCH, BSIC, Cell ID tuples from the data
    • Load the data pertaining to BCCH, BSIC, Cell names
    • Create a mapping of valid BCCH, BSIC, Cell IDs
    • Mapping is saved in my_map.mat
  3. Obtain final localization data Run get_final_data.m
    • For a particular trace instance and a particular neighbour in it, if BCCH = valid, save BCCH,BSIC,Cell ID, RSSI, Latitude, Longitude data.
    • Otherwise save invalid token = 1111 for all the fields mentioned above.

Further statistics of the final data, like different numbers of neighbouring cells for a particular reading, can now be obtained from the data.

The Localization Algorithm

Each row of the data matrix obtained above contains information that can be used to localize that UE at a particular position in and around the cell corresponding to Samathur BS. The localization algorithm followed is simple:

Remove all rssi with rxlev ’0’ and ’1’, Remove all co-sectors of samathur Perform localization without removing the shadowing: bs_power in dB = 2.86789556 (60/31 W) Store the conversion table (say RS) from RXLEV to RSSIs Read BS IDs, location data and RSSIs For each row: create list of neighbours with Lat,Long, cumulative RSSI For every neighbour whose inverted RSSI intersects with inverted BS RSSI, find the centroid and localize user there. Localizing user above would involve both radius and direction, quantities which are appropriately determined. If BS RSSI is the only RSSI, invert it and locate the user anywhere on the arc(ideally 120 degrees, here 65 degrees) formed by respective distance.

The RSSIs are inverted based on the Okumura-Hata model. Parameters used for the same are: Frequency = 900 MHz, Average mobile station height = 2.5 m, Average antenna height = 35m, Different path loss correction factors are used depending on experiments with small sized city/open area. The inversion process can be easily understood from the following matlab code:

% inverted okumura hata model
function [d] = dist_from_pathlossindb(lo)
% lu = path loss in dB from small sized city
% lo = path loss in dB from open area
hm=2.5; % average mobile station height

% okumara hata model
% d is in meters
% ch =3.2*(log10(11.75*hm))^2-4.97 ; for large cities
ch = 0.8 + (1.1*log10(f)-0.7)*hm - 1.56*log10(f);
lu = lo + 4.78*(log10(f))^2 - 18.33*log10(f) + 40.94 ; 
d = 1000*10^((lu - 69.55 - 26.16*log10(f) + 13.82*log10(hb)+ ch)/(44.9-6.55*log10(hb)));

The figure below is how the localization algorithm is working for a particular trace. The red dot is the BS. The blue dot is where the UE is localized. Hollow circles are the locations of neighbouring BSs. The circles around each of the BSs are the inverted distances corresponding to the RSSI received at those BSs. The x and y axes are latitude and longitude, respectively.

Map Reconstruction

Once the users are localized , the power values corresponding to those users are interpolated using scatteredInterpolant matlab function. The function is used to do interpolation on 2D scattered data. We use the default linear interpolation. The generated heat maps over Samathur and neighbouring cells look like the following figure:


Including TA for localzation

Averaging power over multiple traces for the same user

A single call from the same user spans over multiple traces. Each of these traces come at an interval of approximately 480 ms. A better way to do power map reconstruction would be to average the power from the same user; rather than localizing him/her at different locations with corresponding powers.

A user is uniquely identified by: site ID + cell ID + Trx No. + Channel number

An example of a call from the same user is the following: Sector 139: trace # 1,9,17 correspond to the same user.

Site ID Cell ID Trx_No Channel No. Time Slot Timing Adv
38 139 3 1 0 1
38 139 3 1 0 1
38 139 3 1 0 0

Localization for each of the traces, with Samathur as origin, results in following (x,y) coordinates in meters:

x coordinate y coordinate
286.737848281044 469.341460307053
287.807527516458 468.686277913983
0 0

Further Improvements