Mollifying Quantum Field Theory or Lattice QFT in Minkowski Spacetime and Symmetry Breaking

Published in arXiv:hep-lat, 2006

Recommended citation: D. D. Ferrante, G. S. Guralnik. (2006). "Mollifying Quantum Field Theory or Lattice QFT in Minkowski Spacetime and Symmetry Breaking." arXiv:hep-lat.

This work develops and applies the concept of mollification in order to smooth out highly oscillatory exponentials. This idea, known for quite a while in the mathematical community (mollifiers are a means to smooth distributions), is new to numerical Quantum Field Theory. It is potentially very useful for calculating phase transitions [highly oscillatory integrands in general], for computations with imaginary chemical potentials and Lattice QFT in Minkowski spacetime.

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Recommended citation: D. D. Ferrante, G. S. Guralnik. (2006). “Mollifying Quantum Field Theory or Lattice QFT in Minkowski Spacetime and Symmetry Breaking.” arXiv:hep-lat.